Professional and Graduate Admission Test Preparation

Looking to advance in your career or education path? The Center for Professional Development guides students through test preparation to ensure they meet their educational and professional goals. 

Our instructors provide thorough insider insight to pass testing from graduate admission tests to medical coding exams.

Not finding what you’re looking for? Explore our open courses and join our mailing list to stay updated on upcoming offerings.

coder prep

Medical Billing: Certified Professional Coder

This course offers you the opportunity to bring immediate value to your practice by learning medical coding skills with a strong foundation in diagnostic coding.

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gre prep

GRE Test Preparation

The GRE Prep Class will give you the skills and confidence you need to maximize your performance on the GRE. Sharpen your skills using actual GRE test questions and follow our proven study plan to start on your path to success.

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gmat prep

GMAT Test Preparation

Considering an MBA? Let us help you get into the program of your choice. The GMAT® is the preferred test for many top-ranking full-time and part-time MBA programs. Our professional instructors will help you understand each section of the GMAT, dissect each item type, and develop a comprehensive plan for test day success.

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lsat prep

LSAT Test Preparation

The LSAT is administered several times per year and our courses are precisely scheduled to help you prepare for your preferred test date. Take the mystery out of the LSAT and get the tools you need to succeed on test day!

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