Prepare for the GMAT® Exam! We will help you improve your skills, confidence, and score, all of which increase your chance of admission into the MBA or other business program of your choice!

Receive 18 hours of expert classroom instruction on the Quantitative, Verbal, and Data Insights sections of the GMAT Exam. This comprehensive course includes a review of the mathematical and verbal concepts tested on the GMAT and prepares you for the questions typically seen on this test. You will also strengthen the critical thinking skills tested in the Data Insights section. 

GMAT Prep Courses Offer

  • Expert Instructors: Our test-prep instructors are highly trained professionals. Our experienced instructors know the GMAT and care about helping you achieve your goal.
  • Proven Strategies:  The curriculum was developed by test-prep experts, who have years of experience writing exam questions and preparing students for success.
  • Online Support: Our online support package includes access to recordings of all class modules, an instructor-monitored question forum, and online office hours. Access to online resources continues through 120 days after your last day of class, so you will still have support for your independent practice after your course is over.
  • Convenient Schedule Options: Live-online courses provide a variety of schedules and the added benefit of taking the class from anywhere in the world.
  • Value: The course fee includes all student course materials, access to online resources, and instruction from a trained professional who cares about your success.

The GMAT Live-Online Prep Course Covers

  • Test-Taking Strategies
    • Utilizing the process of elimination
    • Mastering time management skills
    • Minimizing test anxiety
    • Identifying common distractors 
  • Quantitative Topics
    • Approaches to math questions presented in abstract form 
    • Tactics for translating difficult real-world word problems into algebraic expressions or equations 
    • Review of the mathematical concepts tested in each of the GMAT quantitative formats
  • Verbal Topics
    • Understanding the key components of arguments in critical reasoning problems
    • Answering reading comprehension questions quickly, without reading the entire passage 
  • Data Insights Topics
    • Interpreting data from tables, graphs, text, and other sources
    • Dealing with multiple questions about the same data
    • Analyzing data from multiple columns for Two-Part Analysis questions
    • Strategies for handling quantitative questions in the challenging data sufficiency format 


Want To Learn More?

Join us for an informative introduction to the GMAT Exam. If you are considering an MBA or another master's degree in business administration, economics, or accounting, successfully completing the GMAT Exam will play a critical role in your acceptance into the program of your choice. Come meet with our experienced instructor to learn about the test and pick up a few strategies! 

This free session is good for individuals preparing for admission into graduate programs in any business school or college, including current university juniors and seniors as well as people who have been in the business world and are considering returning to the university for any graduate business program. 

Pre-register for this virtual workshop. 

All workshops are 7:00 - 8:00 PM Mountain Time (MT).

May 14, 2025 August 27, 2025

Can't make the next session? Access a pre-recorded, closed-captioned workshop here

Additional Program Information

System Requirements

The GMAT Live-Online Prep Course is offered online using Adobe Connect, a free application. All you need to participate in live-online class sessions and online office hours are a high-speed internet connection and speakers or headphones.

Check your system for Compatibility

Our Partner

University of Denver’s Test Prep program is partnered with Educational Testing Consultants, a leader in higher education test preparation. Each year, Educational Testing Consultants helps thousands of students at major colleges and universities across the United States prepare for standardized testing. Educational Testing Consultants provides a proven program with a record of success and highly trained, top-quality instructors. Learn more about Educational Testing Consultants at

Course Materials

Course materials will be shipped to the address provided when you register for your course. If you live in an apartment, please include apartment and/or unit numbers when providing your mailing address. 

We recommend registering at least five business days in advance of the course start date to ensure timely delivery of your course materials package. Students registering within five business days of the course start will be emailed digital workbook handouts until their course materials are delivered.

Questions About This Program?

Reach out to our team