Gain admission into the law school of your choice with our LSAT Prep Course. Master the skills needed to succeed on the LSAT® and take the test with the confidence of knowing that you prepared with LSAT experts.
Our intensive LSAT Prep Course includes 30 hours of instruction from experienced test-preparation professionals. The easy-to-follow program uses proven techniques to simplify the LSAT. This course uses questions from actual LSAT exams, so that you know your preparation is as close to the real test as possible.
Additional Program Information
System Requirements
The LSAT Live-Online Prep Course is offered online using Adobe Connect, a free application. All you need to participate in live-online courses or live-online office hours are a high-speed internet connection and speakers or headphones.
Check your system for Compatibility
Our Partner
University of Denver’s Test Prep program is partnered with Educational Testing Consultants, a leader in higher education test preparation. Each year, Educational Testing Consultants helps thousands of students at major colleges and universities across the United States prepare for standardized testing. Educational Testing Consultants provides a proven program with a record of success and highly trained, top-quality instructors. Learn more about Educational Testing Consultants at
Course Materials
Our LSAT® course includes digital practice materials available within the ETC Student Portal (access given after registered). Students will also have access to official LSAT practice tests available through LSAC’s required LawHub Advantage subscription (see above: Additional Information & Costs).