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Fostering Success: Second Annual Workforce Development and Social Impact Meeting

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Center for Professional Development

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Recently, the Center for Professional Development (CPD) at University College hosted its second annual Workforce Development and Social Impact meeting, a pivotal event centered on supporting students on their journey to success. The gathering brought together over 40 professionals, including workforce development counselors, representatives from Denver Economic Development and Opportunity (DEDO), DU leaders, team members, partners from 2U/edX, and leaders from community organizations and employer partners, such as the Colorado Technology Association.

The goal of this annual event was to facilitate connections and information sharing among those involved in supporting students throughout DU’s technology boot camp programs. This year’s theme of supporting the journey to success highlighted the vital role played by workforce counselors in guiding students, guaranteeing their access to essential information and shared resources. 


Key Highlights

Panel Discussion on Collective Impact:
The event featured a panel discussion led by Associate Dean of Continuing Education Teri Markle. The panel, with representatives from DEDO, 2U/edX, and CPD, along with a program alumnus and industry partners, explored the significance of collective impact in supporting students. The discussion highlighted how collaboration and leveraging strengths and opportunities positively affect not only individual students but also their families, employers, and the broader workforce and economy.

Program Updates and Presentations:
Brief presentations covered essential topics such as Colorado technology labor market trends, DU Boot Camps, the "Skill Forward" initiative from edX, and the Boot Camp Career Engagement support system for students. Additionally, University College's FMLP program was highlighted as an additional opportunity for learners utilizing workforce services throughout Colorado.

Professional Development Session:
The day concluded with a unique opportunity for attendees to invest in their own professional development. Dr. Erica Pieczonka, an industrial-organizational psychologist and Certified Leadership Coach led a coaching skills training session, empowering participants to enhance their coaching abilities.


Through collaborative discussions, informative presentations, and a focus on personal development, the event emphasized the importance of collective impact in shaping the success of students and, by extension, contributing to the growth of families, employers, and the broader workforce and economy.

As we continue to champion the advancement of education and professional development, we invite you to explore our array of technology courses. Head here to discover the diverse range of offerings that can empower you on your own journey of knowledge and skill enhancement.